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8 Signs a Man is in Feminine Energy

8 Signs a Man is in Feminine Energy

We live in a world of contrasts. There are people who are traditional and people who are liberal. Those who believe that chivalry is dead and those who receive princess treatment. It’s an impressive mix and there’s plenty for everybody, but some things may be a bit more difficult to navigate. All you need is a bit of awareness. Let’s explore the signs a man is in feminine energy.

Pin 8 Signs a Man is in Feminine Energy

The Importance of Polarity

Relationships work based on polarity. If you’d like to marry a masculine energy man, there’s only one way for you to attract one. It’s for you to take care of your part of this polarity by adopting more feminine energy. It’s something you can work on yourself, while using your boy energy in a healthy way.

Masculine energy men love feminine energy women. They make them feel like a provider. This polarity works because a man can be of service and provide you with things you cannot get yourself, like safety, confinement to express and process your emotions, and time to relax and find your peace. Feminine energy women love masculine energy men because with them they finally feel at peace and taken care of.

Something we often overlook is that men who pour into women, get back tenfold. Give a woman ingredients, and she’ll make you a meal. Give her a house, and she’ll turn it into a home. Bring her your seed, and she will come back with a baby. Give her stress, and you’ll harvest hell. Give her peace and love, and you’ll harvest yourself a happy life in fulfilment.

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How the Modern World Tricked Us

In this beautiful, fast-paced world, we can find proof that these are the worst times to live in, and we can also find proof for the opposite. I want to see the positives, so I think there’s plenty for everyone. It’s just a bit more tricky to navigate the world to find what we want.

Nowadays, we as a society have produced a huge number of masculine energy women. This is due to dysfunctional households, multigenerational traumas passed from parents to children, and the inability to express and understand our emotions.

Women raised in homes with a strong woman who was let down by a man will pass her mistrust to her daughters. Young women who didn’t have a loving father figure will struggle to feel deserving of love. Poverty also creates masculine women, putting them in constant survival mode.

We got the gift of independence, but with this, we also got the constant dwelling in survival mode. The good news is that even if we became this way not by our own admission, we can be the catalyst for a change in our lives! First we need to know the signs a man is in feminine energy.

What is a Masculine Energy Man

A masculine energy man embodies qualities such as decisiveness, confidence, and a strong sense of purpose. He is action-oriented, often taking the lead in various aspects of life, from career ambitions to relationship dynamics. This type of man values independence, clarity, and structure, and he typically thrives in environments where he can set goals and work towards achieving them. His presence is often reassuring and stabilising, providing a sense of direction and security.

In a relationship, a masculine energy man can greatly benefit a feminine energy woman by creating a balanced dynamic. Feminine energy is characterised by qualities like nurturing, creativity, and emotional expressiveness. When a masculine energy man brings stability and direction to the relationship, it allows the feminine energy woman to feel safe and supported, enabling her to express her emotions and creativity freely.

This balance creates a harmonious partnership where both individuals can flourish, each complementing the other’s strengths and compensating for their weaknesses. Through his confidence and decisiveness, the masculine energy man can help the feminine energy woman feel more grounded, while her nurturing nature can soften and enrich his life, fostering mutual growth and fulfilment. This is not for insecure women, though. You must be resilient and know your worth to receive, instead of showing a man that you can do it yourself. It’s a woman’s hurt ego, and men don’t want to compete with their women at all.

Signs He’s in His Feminine Energy

How can you recognise a man with feminine energy? Note that we cannot have two drivers of a car, so if there’s already a figure taking charge, there’s no space for a man to step into this role. If you want your man to start changing gradually, you should create space for him to step in by becoming more passive when action is needed. Let him take action and be patient and understanding.

I work in an office surrounded by men. Receiving their small acts of masculine energy is fun, like when I need something lifted, I ask them kindly and they are always eager to help out. I love this about men. However, some of them are clearly very much in their feminine energy and wait for others to take charge. I don’t judge, but it makes me want to jump in and do it myself. I need to be patient, though, and let them step into the role of a leader.

Here are the signs a man is in feminine energy:

1. His partner is in her masculine energy

If a woman is in masculine energy, there’s no space for the man to take action and make decisions – she’s already doing that for both of them. If this dynamic works for both partners, then it’s perfect. However, some women allow this due to unawareness, which only makes them more tired and deeper in survival mode, feeling like everything is on their shoulders. It’s very exhausting and difficult to recover from.

2. He doesn’t make important decisions and leaves it to his partner

He is passive and dependent on what she says. A wise man will ask his woman for her opinion when it comes to decisions. He may or may not take this advice, but he will value her opinion. However, when choosing a partner, make sure it’s someone whose judgement you trust so that he can make decisions while you relax, knowing he will do his best for the sake of the entire family, without the need to micromanage him.

3. He doesn’t plan dates and holidays

Each household splits the chores how they see fit. However, if many years into the relationship he doesn’t initiate dates, outings, or holidays together, but leaves it to his partner to take care of it, he’s not a very action-oriented individual. Taking action, having a sense of self-agency, and making things happen are masculine energy traits.

4. He doesn’t mind if his partner is babying him

A man with wounded masculine energy will show signs of over-sensitivity. He often struggles with self-confidence, independence, and taking responsibility. He may seek nurturing and caretaking from his partner to fill the gaps left by his unmet emotional needs, displaying dependency and a lack of assertiveness.

5. He enjoys receiving more than giving

A man with more feminine energy may struggle with setting clear boundaries in the relationship. He might have difficulty saying “no” or asserting his needs, leading to an imbalance in give-and-take dynamics. Maybe he also struggles with generosity towards his partner, believing that a woman only wants material goods, rather than recognising the masculine need to give of himself. He might be stingy.

6. He doesn’t have professional drive to achieve more to support his family

He’s more than happy to go 50/50 with his partner and prefers chilling rather than working on himself. A man not having a clear sense of purpose or direction in life, or lacking goals and ambitions, may be exhibiting qualities more aligned with feminine energy. It might be fear of success and not being able to handle it when it comes, or some other underlying issues.

7. He doesn’t have active hobbies and enjoys relaxing and chilling more

Men with strong masculine energy often spend much of their day in their minds, analysing and strategizing. To counterbalance this mental activity and allow their minds to rest, engaging in active hobbies is essential. Physical health and strength are crucial aspects of how many men perceive and value themselves. In nature, physical strength is a defining attribute of males in many species. Therefore, working out is beneficial not only for the body but also for the mind and their masculine self-esteem.

8. He doesn’t regularly ask you what he can help you with or what you need

A masculine energy man loves to be a hero for his partner. If your man doesn’t regularly ask how he can help alleviate some chores for you or create a safe space for you to relax, he’s either in his feminine energy or he doesn’t love you that much. Because a man who cares will do his best to improve your life and do something for you that you can’t do yourself.


In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy in relationships is crucial for creating balance and harmony. Recognizing the signs of feminine energy in a man can help both partners navigate their roles more effectively and foster mutual growth and fulfilment.

While it’s important to acknowledge and respect each other’s energy dynamics, it’s also essential to strive for a balance that allows both individuals to thrive. By creating space for the masculine energy man to lead and take action, and by valuing the contributions of both partners, couples can cultivate a relationship that supports and enriches each other’s lives.

Ultimately, a healthy relationship is built on mutual respect, understanding, and a willingness to grow together. By being aware of the signs of feminine energy in a man and working towards creating a balanced dynamic, couples can create a fulfilling and lasting partnership.

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