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Feminine vs Masculine Energy – The Powerful Differences

Powerful Differences: Feminine vs Masculine Energy

Yin and Yang, or feminine and masculine energy, is all around. The universe is filled with energy, constantly striving for balance. Within each of us, exists a mix of feminine and masculine energies, both men and women. But what do these energies mean, and how do they differ? And which one should be dominant for me? Let’s explore feminine vs masculine energy and how to increase your feminine energy in this post.

Powerful Differences: Feminine vs Masculine Energy

Yin and Yang

Originating from ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang represent the dual forces that are fundamental to the universe.

Yin symbolises the receptive, nurturing, and feminine energy, associated with darkness, passivity, receiving and intuition.

Yang, on the other hand, represents the active, assertive, and masculine energy, linked to brightness, activity, giving, and logic.

This concept emphasises the balance and interdependence of these opposite energies, illustrating that they are not conflicting but complementary.

It signifies the harmony found in the coexistence and interaction of contrasting forces, both in nature and within ourselves, promoting the idea that balance between feminine and masculine energies leads to holistic well-being and understanding in various aspects of life.

Importantly, these energies aren’t related to biological gender or stereotypes at all. There’s no feminine vs masculine energy; there’s rather the way they can work together.
Likewise, as distinct polarities, masculine and feminine energies naturally attract each other. Typically, the most harmonious romantic matches consist of one person with more masculine energy and the other with more feminine energy.

Read more about how to be increase your feminine energy while single.

Traits Powerful Differences: Feminine vs Masculine Energy

Neither is Better Than the Other

Just as light cannot exist without darkness, similarly, the same applies to opposing concepts like feminine vs masculine energy.

We live in the masculine energy dominated world, where qualities such as pro-activity, logic, drive, analysis, ambition, rationality, discipline are encouraged and often see them as superior.

This societal pressure on everybody to perform and focus on growth has, in my opinion, led to a crisis of femininity and left many women stressed and exhausted.

Now not only we have to take care of the house and children – but pursue a boss babe career as well. Becoming a stay-home mum has become an occupation that many mock and call comfy and lazy.
Being a feminine woman is not perceived by most as strong, capable, and powerful, but rather as being weak, lazy and a princess overly reliant on others. Questions like “What do you bring to the table?” that circulate the internet and social media, very well illustrates the current perception and the state of affairs in my opinion.

The Role of Feminism

Feminism has undeniably brought significant positive changes to the world, granting us essential human rights that we now enjoy. I am forever grateful for its influence.

But, as often happens, too much of a good thing can be damaging. And we have to do some damage control. In this post-feminism era, we find a lot of contradictions and a difficult-to-navigate mix of expectations.

Moreover, feminism, in its pursuit of equality, inadvertently led to a phenomenon where some women adopted mostly masculine traits, hoping to be seen as strong and capable. Women who behave like men and are surprised that men are not attracted to them.
This paradigm shift has created a unique challenge in the dating world. Somewhere on the way we lost our femininity collectively as women because these qualities were not seen as admirable.

Female attraction

Case in point: I have besties who are absolute dynamite women. Great careers, can do everything a man can do and more. Very attractive. Have hobbies and are doing very well financially. They see each other as the best catches in the world because of all they are and achieve.

And as far as they are real catches, they look at it from a female attraction perspective. These are the qualities they would like in a man, but it doesn’t mean a man will like the same in a woman. What they want in a woman is actually almost entirely the opposite – according to the rule of polarity.

Read more about how to attract a masculine man using your feminine energy.

Based on the fact that they are still single, they judge men as stupid, because how come they cannot see these gems? It’s because men are not looking to have a relationship with another man. They want a sweet, nurturing girl who lives in a magical world of emotions and vulnerability.

This is the first time in history we have such a mix and we have to learn as we go to navigate it in the combination with online dating, where connections are artificially made via prolonged texting.

What Am I Attracted to?

Despite the rapid changes in society’s definitions of gender roles, what is gender and what is family, our fundamental psychology doesn’t evolve as quickly.

We have been wired a certain way for thousands of years, and our attraction to certain traits is deeply rooted and difficult to overcome biologically.

If you find yourself as confused as I am, ask yourself: what am I attracted to in a man?

Since I can’t hear you (you can always leave a comment), I can share what I am attracted to: a man who pursues me, wants to provide for me, protects me, treats me with kindness and takes the lead. Most importantly, someone with whom I can feel like a woman. If a man is wise, earns my respect, and I trust him, I don’t mind leaning back and submitting to him a little. This dynamic makes me feel feminine and him feel like a man.

The quick changing societal norms can’t change that.

No feminist movement will be able to alter what I am wired biologically to feel.

And I am certain that most women actually prefer a masculine man with these characteristics, someone who treats them in this way.

Read more about how to be a high value woman.

Which Energy Dominates Me?

We all possess a mix of these two energies and each is crucial. At work for example, in a male-dominated workplace, I often have to adopt a more masculine approach – being decisive, highly rational – which I do quite well.

However, at home, I prefer to switch gears, relax, and tap more into my feminine side.

If you lean more towards feminine energy, chances are that you attract a more masculine partner, because there needs to be a balance. Basically, you cannot have two leaders in a team or any effective partnership, and it’s best if a couple consists of complimentary polarities, enhancing each other’s strengths and compensating for weaknesses, creating a truly powerful duo. This is the power of feminine vs masculine energy.

Additionally, find a balance between these energies that feels most natural for you. Live authentically and tune into what truly resonates with you.

Before we start with ideas to increase your feminine energy, ask yourself these questions to determine which energy dominates you. Reflecting on them can provide insights, but remember, everyone possesses both feminine and masculine traits. The balance between these energies can shift in different situations, allowing you to adapt and thrive in various aspects of life.

Questions for Feminine Energy

  1. Do I prioritise nurturing and supporting others?
  2. Am I comfortable expressing my emotions openly and vulnerably?
  3. Do I often go with the flow, adapting to situations rather than controlling them?
  4. Do I value intuition and trust my inner feelings when making decisions?
  5. Am I receptive to receiving help and support from others?
  6. Do I find joy in creative and artistic pursuits?
  7. Do I focus on building connections and nurturing relationships?
  8. Am I comfortable with stillness and being present in the moment?

Questions for Masculine Energy

  1. Do I enjoy taking charge and being in control of situations?
  2. Am I goal-oriented and focused on achieving specific outcomes?
  3. Do I value logic and rational thinking when making decisions?
  4. Am I assertive and direct in my communication style?
  5. Do I prioritise my independence and self-sufficiency?
  6. Am I competitive and enjoy challenges that test my abilities?
  7. Do I find fulfilment in accomplishing tasks and projects?
  8. Am I comfortable with taking risks and making bold moves to achieve my goals?

I am not telling you to be one or the other. Just ask yourself, what feels best for you and what type of man are you attracted to? If you are looking for a man with a specific set of traits, ask yourself also, what kind of woman will this man look for?

How to Increase Your Feminine Energy

I believe we can do everything that men can, but there is a price we pay for it. Just because I can, does it mean I have to? No. There are many benefits from feminine vs masculine energy.

There are certain things that women are more efficient in and there are things men are.

I am a software developer and I work and compete with men on a daily basis. It is rewarding in a way, of course, but it costs me much more. I feel out of balance, quite tired and I already had a burnout and a back injury caused by excessive work.

So I have to take extra care to tune into my feminine whenever I can. I create space for just me to introduce more peace and relaxation into my day. I start with a very relaxing morning routine, I take time to go for walks in nature and I go to bed early to get the rest I need.

17 Best Feminine Energy Gift Ideas for Christmas


Start the meditation practice to get your peace and tune in with your emotions. You can start by meditating with me.

Nature Walks

Take the time to go and walk in nature. Nothing brings you closer to your divine than mother nature – the ultimate expression of the divine feminine.


Move your body with some feminine tunes and get sensual. Enjoy the moment and get lost in it. Explore my favourite artists that always get me into my feminine energy.

Make Yourself a Priority

You are the most important person in your life. All the changes you make to improve your life while still fostering a healthy relationship based on respect, will ultimately benefit everyone in your circle.

Being Authentic and Vulnerable

Express your emotions using the “I feel” statements without blaming others. This way you communicate with others while remaining responsible for how you feel.

Connect With Friends and Just Listen

Don’t offer advice and suggestions, but just be there, offer acceptance, ask questions to understand and offer your ear to listen. Be nurturing and loving.

Be Playful and Laugh

Don’t overthink everything and connect with your inner child. Have fun and joke, laugh and smile at others. It will make you feel good and it’s also contiguous.

Embrace Receiving

Lean back and allow others to give to you. Resist the feeling of reciprocating everything you receive from others. You can repay with a smile, appreciation and gratitude.

Get to Know the Feelings in Your Body

Instead of analysing everything and getting into analysis paralysis, try to feel things with your body. If you get triggered by something, how and where does it feel in your body? This way you stay authentic to yourself and you can get most answers when you take the time to understand what is happening in your body.


We explored the differences of feminine vs masculine energy. Understanding and embracing the interplay between feminine and masculine energies is vital for a balanced life. In a world often dominated by masculine traits, recognising the power of feminine energy is crucial. It’s not about one being better than the other; rather, it’s about harmony and authenticity.

Moreover, discovering your predominant energy involves introspection and embracing what feels natural and genuine to you. Whether you lean towards the nurturing qualities of femininity or the assertive traits of masculinity, it’s essential to honour your authenticity. Balancing these energies, especially in relationships, creates a harmonious synergy.

To enhance your feminine energy, listen to your body and trust your intuition. By tuning into your authentic self, you pave the way for a life rich in balance, joy, and self-discovery.

What are your ways to increase and switch into your feminine energy?

Share your comments below!

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