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10 ways into Feminine Energy for a Former Tomboy


If you’re a woman with a strong masculine energy history, this post is for you. For many of us, embracing femininity can be challenging and takes time. Let’s explore some tips for connecting with your feminine energy for a former tomboy.

Pin 10 ways into Feminine Energy for a Former Tomboy

A Feminine Energy Woman Isn’t Weak

Feminine energy in a woman isn’t a weakness – it’s her superpower. Just because she can juggle multiple tasks simultaneously doesn’t mean she has to do everything alone.

Have you ever seen a woman in a movie lighting a cigarette and suddenly being surrounded by men eager to assist her? That’s power.

A strong woman in touch with her feminine energy is not only well-rested, protected and provided for but also maintains her financial independence, managing her own affairs in a private, magical world known only to herself nobody can have a glimpse of. She’s mysterious, and her true self remains a mystery to many.

Read more about how to increase your feminine energy and how to attract a masculine man.

Feminine Energy vs Femininity

If you’re not into girly clothing and all things pink, that’s perfectly fine. You can still embody feminine energy in whatever style feels authentic to you.

Femininity and feminine energy aren’t the same. As a former tomboy, you can, but don’t have to, choose feminine and elegant styles. The key is to be true to yourself. This is the essence of feminine energy for a former tomboy.

Feminine energy is often associated with yin energy with its specific set of attributes. These qualities include nurturing, empathy, intuition, compassion, and receptiveness. It’s a way of describing certain aspects of behaviour, mindset, or expression that are considered more aligned with what is typically perceived as feminine. Feminine energy can be present in people of any gender identity. It’s not limited to women; men can possess feminine energy as well.

Femininity, on the other hand, refers to the quality or characteristics of being feminine. It encompasses physical traits like softness and gracefulness, social roles such as care-giving and nurturing, and psychological characteristics like sensitivity and emotional intelligence. Girly or elegant clothing is often linked with femininity due to traditional societal expectations and norms regarding how women should dress.


Women with Masculine Energy

Next time you encounter a masculine energy woman, understand that you’ve met someone who has faced challenges in life but refused to be broken by them.

When life gets hard, women get harder and more masculine. In tough times, women often adopt more masculine traits. They lack softness not because they don’t possess it, but because they had to be tough to survive without relying on others. This resilience has shaped them into the remarkable individuals they are today. Absolute legends!

I was once such a woman. Always a tomboy, I felt a bit ashamed of my body and sexuality growing up in a small Catholic village. I didn’t feel pretty and I preferred hanging out with boys, climbing trees, and exploring muddy places. Never wore skirts and girly things seemed off-putting to me.

However, as I grew older, I began to embrace my femininity, although it took until my thirties to truly understand feminine energy and tap into it.

Your Way Into Feminine Energy for a Former Tomboy

1. Let Others Help You

You’ve handled many things on your own throughout your life. You’re more than capable of fending for yourself, and perhaps you even view asking for help as a sign of weakness. Did it leave you feeling tired? Well, it certainly did for me. Just because you can juggle ten things at once doesn’t mean you have to. Let others help you. It’s your strength, not a weakness. Especially when you’re around masculine men, they’ll feel joy if they can do something for you, so just let them, and relax.

2. Learn to Lean Back and Receive

Some of us believe our value in any relationship lies in giving and serving others. We all deserve to be loved for who we are, not for what we “bring to the table”. That said, when men give to you, it doesn’t have to be reciprocated one-to-one. Some of us need to learn to receive with gratitude and allow others to give us their time, presence, gifts, and even money. Trust me, they receive plenty from you in terms of your time, energy, love, inspiration, and the status symbol you are, especially to men.

3. Slow Down and Create Your Own Peace

I believe women need more rest than men do. We tend to rush through the day, trying to accomplish everything on our to-do lists, only to complain that there’s not enough time for self-care and relaxation. If you want time for yourself, then schedule it. Wake up an hour earlier and create your own morning peace with meditation, setting the tone for the rest of the day. During the day, take the time to slow down as well. Obviously, if you struggle to make ends meet, you won’t have much time, but with some mindset shifts, you can at least try to create some peace for yourself on a daily or weekly basis. It’s in your hands. Start small and increase if possible, and enjoy your moments of stillness and mindfulness.

4. Love and Connect with Your Body

Your body is the only vessel for yourself and a magnificent vehicle that takes you places in this life. Take care of it and give it all it requires for smooth operation: good sleep, sufficient movement, proper hydration, nutrition, and gratitude. Learn to love what you have and truly appreciate it. The relationship with our bodies for us women is crucial. Express your gratitude and make an effort to see it and experience it in a sensual way.

Note, I wrote sensual, not sexual, although we can express our sexuality with sensuality as well. Move your body in a sensual, slow way and create moments of self-seduction. We often start to perform and look good for other people, but I believe that we should start by performing for ourselves and explore our body just for ourselves. Greet yourself when you pass by a mirror, wink at yourself, and compliment yourself. Decide that from this moment, you are hot stuff, so beautiful and absolutely gorgeous. Repeat it daily, and you will see the shift soon—not only in your self-love but also in how you start to treat yourself and take care of your body and looks.

5. Let Go of Control

Embrace the fact that you cannot control everything. In fact, all you can control is the way you respond to what’s happening to you in this life. You cannot control others, their behaviour, or how they feel, so why try and allow it to influence your mood? Allow things to take their own course and surrender to these events, knowing that you will be alright because the universe conspires in your favour. We can learn a lot from stoic philosophers, and letting go of control over things that are beyond our influence is one of the most important ones. And remember my personal manifesting motto: the more I relax, the more I receive.

the more I relax, the more I receive  feminine energy for a former tomboy

6. Experience with Your Senses

Feminine energy is all about feeling with your senses. Surround yourself with beauty to create visual pleasure. Always smell good and light some scented candles in your home to experience lovely sensory enjoyment. When you eat your food, try to taste it consciously and take notice of the different structures various vegetables have. Feel the fabrics on your body and the warmth and texture of your bed sheets before sleep. Follow your breath and feel how it enters and leaves your body. Experience the rich myriad of everyday small pleasurable moments.

7. Nature Walks

As a tomboy, nature is probably not a stranger to you and it’ll be your way into feminine energy for a former tomboy. It’s likely that it’s been your friend since early childhood, as it was for me—I believe I spent half of my childhood climbing trees and walking through forests and fields. Seek contact with nature as it’s the ultimate embodiment of the divine feminine around us. It will relax you and provide you with an opportunity to experience the trees, greenery, songbirds, and walking at the same time. What a rich experience, and so close at hand—an escape from this over-stimulating world we live in.

8. Mindfulness Practice and Gratitude

By slowing down and experiencing with your senses, we’re already perfectly in tune with mindfulness during the day. Additionally, schedule 10-15 minutes during the day to meditate. You can do body scans or meditations with affirmations and manifestations as I offer on my YouTube channel. It will provide you with a moment of stillness where you can reflect and observe your thoughts and emotions and become more self-aware. There’s no getting to know yourself without regular meditation practice, so I encourage you to start and do it as often as possible.

Visit my YouTube Channel to get access to all my free meditations

9. Heal Your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

Healing your divine feminine and divine masculine energies involves a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and integration. Embrace practices that honour your intuition, creativity, and nurturing aspects to nurture your divine feminine. This might include meditation, journaling, connecting with nature, and exploring your emotions – all we try to learn here today. Simultaneously, cultivate your divine masculine by developing traits such as assertiveness, independence, and logical reasoning, while also embracing qualities like protection, action, and discipline. Engage in activities that challenge you to take initiative, set boundaries, and pursue your goals with determination. Remember that balance is key; strive for harmony between these energies within yourself, allowing them to complement and empower each other on your path of personal growth and fulfilment.

10. Tune into Your Intuition and Authenticity

Intuition is a woman’s guide and best friend. Your gut feeling is always there to send you the message from your higher self, and it only wants good things for you. In the modern world, we learned to silence our intuition, and the more we do that, the more we lose it. It’s a trust-based relationship. The more you listen to your intuition and trust it, the better it becomes, and the more it’s there for you. However, it’s difficult to discern if the message you hear is the one from your higher self or simply anxiety. This is why self-awareness and reflection are so important. With time, you’ll learn to discern between intuition and your past traumas trying to warn you and prevent harmful situations.


Embracing your feminine energy as a former tomboy is not about conforming to stereotypical ideas of femininity but rather about tapping into the nurturing, intuitive, and creative aspects within yourself.

Recognize that feminine energy is a source of strength and power, not weakness, and it manifests differently for each individual. By practising self-love, receiving help graciously, slowing down to appreciate the present moment, and balancing both your divine feminine and divine masculine energies, you can embark on a journey of holistic healing and self-discovery.

Trust in your intuition, honour your authenticity, and remember that your journey towards embracing your feminine energy is uniquely yours, filled with opportunities for growth and empowerment.

What helped you tap into your divine feminine?

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