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Let’s enjoy our last moments as single ladies 🏵️

By growing into the best versions of ourselves and recognising our inherent value through the power of personal growth for women.

About me
Marta growth mindset how to spend your singlehood

Hey there! I’m just like you—a girl trying to navigate the labyrinthine world of relationships and personal growth for women.

Attempting to keep my sanity intact amidst the chaos of emotions and expectations. You know, the modern dating scene can be like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, but hey, we’re in this together!

Let me share a little secret with you: I believe that being single is not just a phase, but a unique chapter in our lives. It’s like the final delicious pages of a gripping novel, and I’m here to savour every word with you. My name is Marta, a software developer and an expat, someone who has found solace in the midst of challenges, growth in the face of change, and wisdom in every obstacle.

Look, I will not tell you how to date a man, how to get him, what tricks to use to get a man. This is not this kind of space. Instead, we look into ourselves and take the responsibility for our own emotions and reactions to other people’s behaviours. I will try to help you love yourself and treat yourself so well through the power of personal growth for women, that you will detect those red flags from miles away! And by being yourself, your best controlled self, you will find your love and keep it – forever ❤️

When life is hard, we are harder 🌸

Life threw its curveballs at me, just like it does to all of us. But guess what? I dusted off those setbacks, learned from them, and emerged stronger. I’ve learned that the key to embracing life lies in adopting a growth mindset, and that’s the essence of this blog.

Here, I don’t just want to inspire you; I want to be your comrade-in-arms on this journey toward self-improvement and meaningful relationships. Together, we’ll explore the realms of self-discovery, embracing our passions and fleeting interests, and celebrating the kaleidoscope of life experiences. And oh, did I mention my love for switching interests? From programming codes to experimenting with different cuisines, I’m all about the vibrant spectrum of life’s offerings.

But wait, there’s more! This blog isn’t just about dating woes and relationship goals; it’s about empowering you to become the best version of yourself. We’ll talk about self-care rituals that make you feel like a goddess, explore the uncharted territories of your interests, and sprinkle a bit of magic into your everyday routine.

There 👏🏻 are 👏🏻 no 👏🏻 bad 👏🏻 emotions!

Ever heard that healing after a breakup is an art? Well, my friend, we are going to master it together. Let’s prioritize ourselves, nurse our wounds, and emerge as fierce, independent warriors who are ready to conquer the world, one day at a time.

In this cozy corner of the internet, we’ll build a community of strong, compassionate women who uplift one another, celebrate victories, and provide a shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough. We’re not just dreamers; we’re doers, armed with the unwavering belief that a supportive community can move mountains.

So, lovely lady, welcome to a place where dreams are nurtured, hearts are mended, and adventures await. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery, growth, and love together. Here’s to embracing our singlehood with grace, chasing dreams with abandon, and believing in the extraordinary power of women coming together.

Cheers to you, to me, and to the beautiful journey ahead! 💮

Love, Marta ❤️

Marta in a nutshell

For those of you who want to get to know me a little better

Thrift shop buyer

Thrift shop buyer



Matcha latte lover

Matcha latte lover

Yoga and meditation practitioner

Yoga and meditation practitioner

Introvert and homebody

Introvert and homebody

Road bike user

Road bike user

Avid hiker

Avid hiker

Non fiction books reader

Non fiction books reader

Skincare enthusiast

Skincare enthusiast

Deep conversations fan

Deep conversations fan

Crazy plant lady

Crazy plant lady

Personal development freak

Personal development freak