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7 Powerful Journaling Prompts After a Breakup

Journaling Prompts After a Breakup

When we’re going through a breakup, it feels like chaos inside us – it’s a real emotional roller-coaster. Whether you’re the dumper or the dumpee – it’s very, very tough. The sooner you start dealing with your feelings, the better, because the only way to get through hell is just to keep going and not stopping in it. Writing down your feelings can help a lot, just pouring them out onto paper. Let’s talk about journaling prompts after a breakup.

Pin 6 Powerful Journaling Prompts After a Breakup

The Brain Gets High on Love

When we experience a breakup, we feel a mix of emotions and moods. Our brain misses the company of someone who we cared for for quite some time and our brain associated it with happiness.

Just because there’s been a breakup, it doesn’t mean that the attachment will disappear. Attachment lives in your brain and it will urge you to bring back the happy times – but you need to be strong. Your brain is dealing with the loss of a person and is kind of going through the withdrawal of oxytocin linked to your ex-person. It’s a powerful drug.

And just realise that it’s all just chemical reactions that you can’t resist, but you can focus your energy elsewhere. Emotions are just energy in motion. It’s all chemistry and neurological signals in your brain urging you to make a change or take action. This is why journaling and these journaling prompts after a breakup can help channel this energy.

Quote 6 Powerful Journaling Prompts After a Breakup

Why You Should Journal It

The quickest way to deal with any type of emotions is to simply feel them. Face them head-on, observe them, feel them, acknowledge and accept them, and they’ll go away much faster. Keeping them in will create unnecessary stresses in your body and accumulation of negativity, that you’ll have to deal with sooner or later anyway.

Because emotions are temporary. They’re like clothes and you change them every day. Sometimes, the feelings of sadness can be weakened or eased by food or a good nap. We shouldn’t make any decisions or big changes based on something that is so temporary by nature.

When you grab a pen and a notepad to write your thoughts and feelings on paper, they become tangible, and real. Writing freely, without judgement, helps you acknowledge and radically accept your current reality. There’s no point in resisting it. If you push it away for too long, it’ll come back even stronger when you least expect it. So really, just pour your emotions on paper and allow yourself to feel them. Feel everything.

Taking your emotions seriously is also an act of self-love. Your inner self has strong feelings. If you swipe them under the rug, she feels invalidated and unimportant. The trust between the conscious and unconscious mind weakens. Imagine if your best friend would come to you with strong emotions and you would ignore her. The relationship with you and your inner self is the same. Take her seriously, show her love and empathy.

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Getting Ready

Take all the time you need and make sure you won’t be disturbed. Schedule some time for yourself and make sure you’re well fed and rested, unless the stress of a breakup keeps you awake – which is understandable but needs attention. Add a bit more time afterwards in case you need to rest or nap for a while.

Allow yourself to fully feel everything when working with journaling prompts after a breakup. It’s okay to cry if you need to. This journaling time is for you to recognise all your emotions and to free yourself from them, even if just for a while.

Don’t beat yourself up if, after journaling your emotions, you still think about him and feel upset. This cannot be fixed in a couple of days and healing takes time, so it’s important to be patient and forgive yourself for anything that happens. Practise radical acceptance.

Make sure that nobody finds your journal!

Question 6 Powerful Journaling Prompts After a Breakup

After You’re Done

I’m proud of you for doing this! It’s not easy but it is really important. Grieving takes a lot out of us, so if you feel like you need a nap afterwards, go ahead! You might also feel like doing some vigorous exercise or maybe you even feel the need to do something to destroy yourself a little: like having a drink or a smoke. I know it happens.

Instead, try asking yourself: what can I do right now to make me feel better? When you’re sad or confused or don’t know what to do next, always try to improve your good mood rather than doing things that harm your health, not destroying your health or the body – which is contrary to what the majority of people are doing to numb their pain. And, as you can see, it’s the opposite of what we should be doing.

Keep your journal somewhere safe where nobody can find it and read it. If you wrote a letter, you can throw it away if you want. And please, never send it. It’s just for you to pour your emotions onto paper, not for anyone else to see.

Let’s Begin! Journaling Prompts After Breakup

Write freely whatever comes to mind and don’t judge yourself! You can write your responses to journaling prompts after a breakup in the form of a letter (that you won’t send, it’s just for you!!) or in a notepad. Choose the format that feels right for you. Admit what you feel. Be authentic with yourself.

I am scared because…

Think about what’s making you afraid right now. What comes to mind when you think about it? Write it down and be authentic.

I am angry because…

Depending on how long it was since you’ve been through a breakup, you will experience some level of angry feelings. Anger is the response to injustice. Observe your anger and admit what causes it.

I am sad because…

Losing someone can make you feel very sad. It might seem like there’s no hope. Write down everything that’s making you sad, even if it feels like you’ll never be happy again.

I forgive you because…

Forgiveness is not for your ex or even to admit that what they did was okay. No, it’s about releasing the negative feelings that eat you from the inside. It’s for you to release the bad feelings of resentment and clear your vibe/aura, whatever you want to call it. Try to explore reasons for forgiving him, even if it feels impossible for you at the moment.

I wish you well…

Some people you have to love from a distance. You might not stop loving them right away, so don’t worry about that. Instead, think about good things you wish for them. This helps you focus on the positives.

I am grateful for…

Reflect on the things you’re thankful for. Find some positivity in meeting this person. What good things have happened to you since you met them? Which things are you grateful for that they introduced to your life? What did you learn? Express your gratitude even in the hardest moments of your life, and you’ll show your level of high resilience.

I trust my future will be…

Let’s finish on a positive note as well. See your future bright. Write down that you believe you’ll be alright eventually and that you’ll find your love. Know that you will rise stronger from all of this. Trust your path, knowing that everything happens for you and for a good reason. Write without judging yourself, even if you don’t fully believe it yet.


ournaling prompts after a breakup can help us deal with strong emotions. Congratulations on taking the brave step of engaging with these journaling prompts. Acknowledging and processing your emotions after a breakup is crucial for your healing journey. Remember, it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling – sadness, anger, fear, or even forgiveness and gratitude. By expressing yourself honestly and authentically, you’re giving yourself the gift of emotional release and self-understanding.

As you move forward, focus on nurturing yourself and prioritising your well-being. Whether it’s allowing yourself to rest, engaging in activities that bring you joy, or simply being kind to yourself, honour your emotions and take positive steps towards healing. Keep your journal in a safe place as a testament to your courage and as a tool for continued self-reflection. You’re on the path to healing and growth, and remember, you’re not alone on this journey.

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