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8 Signs a Man is in Feminine Energy

8 Signs a Man is in Feminine Energy

We live in a world of contrasts. There are people who are traditional and people who are liberal. Those who believe that chivalry is dead and those who receive princess treatment. It’s an impressive mix and there’s plenty for everybody, but some things may be a bit more difficult to navigate. All you need is a bit of awareness. Let’s explore the signs a man is in feminine energy. ...

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What Is Radical Acceptance in 5 Simple Steps

What Is Radical Acceptance in 5 Simple Steps

In the world of self criticism and doubt, find peace in the total opposite of it. Become your best friend to always have a supportive cheerleader by your side and if you sometimes make mistakes – like we all do – embrace the power of radical acceptance. Let’s explore what is radical acceptance and why we need it in our lives. Acknowledge and Accept Radical acceptance is a concept from dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) that involves fully and completely acknowledging reality without resistance and judgement, or attempts to change it. It means embracing things as they are, even if they are difficult or painful, in order to reduce suffering and improve emotional well-being. By fully embracing what life throws at us, we remove...

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6 Reasons Why Negative Emotions Are Not Inherently Bad

6 Reasons Why Negative Emotions Are Not Inherently Bad

There are no inherently bad emotions. Everyone experiences emotions that society labels as negative, but one thing I fail to understand is why we are criticising them and trying to push them into the dark box of things we wish didn’t exist. Are negative emotions truly bad? Let’s find out more about it. Emotional Education In The Early Years When you were feeling sad as a child, did your parents ever ask you why that is and what emotions you were experiencing? If your answer is yes, you are very fortunate and possibly one happy adult now. Sadly, most parents don’t ask or assist their children in processing and understanding their emotions. Instead, what we usually hear is “stop being sad”...

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