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18 Powerful Signs You’re Your Own Best Friend


What is your best friend like? Supportive? Fun? Always there for you? Understanding? I bet all of these qualities and more. You’d never judge and put her down when she’s feeling low. Now, imagine how incredible it would be to extend the same compassion to yourself! Here are some examples and signs you’re your own best friend.

18 Powerful Signs You're Your Own Best Friend

Benefits of Being Your Own Best Friend

Working in your own interest reaps tremendous awards. It’s how you nurture self love. But what is self love?

To me it’s a verb. It’s a series of actions that enhance well-being, foster inner calm and increase my self-perceived value. It involves creating a sense of being pampered and cared for. It’s me safeguarding my boundaries, and being present in the moment with myself. Pursuing what feels good and authentic in the moment. Self love is one of the most powerful signs you’re your own best friend.

Perhaps you already have many best friends and a robust social support network. However, the most essential love you need should come directly from within. Cultivating your own happiness gives you a sense of control and makes you a magnet for others. Your joy is contagious, and people cherish your positive energy as a dynamic force in their own lives.

Discover more about the benefits of being your own best friend in this blog post.

You Come First

Safety instructions on the plane always state that you should secure your own oxygen mask before helping others. Even children! The welfare of those around you relies on your well-being. This is why you must prioritise taking care of yourself first before you can assist others the best you can.

You might have also heard people say: If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy. If you, as a homemaker, radiate negativity, others in the house can feel it big time! And if you’re a kid, you think it’s because of you…

You yourself need to create space for your self-care. Communicate your needs to your close ones. Only you can safeguard the precious time for yourself and it’s your responsibility to create peace for yourself. While you can’t control how others or the world treat you, you can find some consolation in the power positive self-talk and self-perception give you..

I find it very empowering to know that I am an architect of my own needs and happiness. I feel like this is also something that relieves the pressure I might put on others to make me happy and entertain me. Now, you too know how to be your own best friend.

Signs of Being a Good Friend

Being your own best friend is an ongoing journey that involves self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love. Embrace and celebrate your relationship with yourself, for it forms the foundation of all other relationships in your life.

I believe that being a good friend to yourself makes you a better friend to your existing and new friends too. It increases your empathy, helping you understand the struggles others face. Moreover, a person who is kind to herself is so fun to be around! Let’s dig into these signs you’re your own best friend:

You Show Self-Compassion and You Don’t Criticise

You treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, especially in difficult situations. Everyone makes mistakes, including yourself, and you don’t beat yourself up over them. Moreover, you don’t judge your emotions; instead, you observe and acknowledge them, because you know that there are no bad emotions.

You Engage in Positive Self-Talk

Learning to reprogram the way you see yourself and your capabilities is crucial. You notice your negative self-talk and correct it as you go. At some point, you reflected on what you want to program yourself with and you started talking to yourself as if these things are already your reality. Your ongoing support for yourself is one of the most powerful signs you’re your best friend.

You Schedule a Self-Maintenance block

Good self-esteem comes partially from feeling good in your skin. You do everything you can to achieve this, either by accepting who you are or by working on looking your absolute best. Regularly, you schedule self-care at home, such as: weekly hair mask, skin care daily, maybe doing your nails, shaving and other self-maintenance activities. You schedule a couple of hours every week or two for just this. Enjoy it and thank yourself afterwards for doing that.

skincare signs you're your own best friend

You Love Spending Time Alone

You are in love with your alone time and have so much fun with just you. There are so many things you love to do, and you constantly learn new things. Your me-time is precious and you fiercely protect it.

You Prioritise Yourself

If you schedule a time slot just for yourself, nobody can force you out of it. Sometimes you might like to be spontaneous, and you love this part of yourself as well. But if there’s something you want to do, nobody can stand in your way.

You Respect Your Own Boundaries and Keep Them

You don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Additionally, your set of boundaries with yourself is important to you, like not eating after 7PM or not indulging in sweets on weekdays or deciding to wake up tomorrow earlier to go for a run – and you keep these promises to yourself. You can trust yourself to fulfil what you set, building greater confidence in your capabilities.

You Love Yourself in a Healthy Way

Expressing your love through positive self-talk and self-care is not a new thing to you. You radiate self love, which warms you from within. You recognise your strengths and weaknesses and you know your shortcomings and graciously accept feedback from others. There is continuous improvement happening within you.

Your Ego is in Check

Complaining isn’t a habit of yours because you understand it feeds your ego. When others are passive-aggressive, you just smile and not feed the troll by disengagement. Your ego is sent on holiday to not bother you in your life.

You Are Self-Compassionate

You forgive yourself for mistakes and past decisions, because you know that everything that happened in the past contributed to who you are today. And you really like this girl! You don’t criticise yourself and you’ve always got your back.

You Have Morning and Evening Routines

One of your strengths is understanding that your routines are there to help you and you’ve grown to love them. You know that your morning routine is your time, where you set the tone for the day. There is a set of habits you stack in a sequence and you execute them to elevate your life gradually. You know the power of consistency and do a little every day to compound and achieve your goals.

Morning routine evening routine best habits before 2024

You Forgive Others

Knowing the harm holding grudges and resentment can do to you, you forgive others to free yourself from these negative emotions. You move forward without these burdens in your heart. It’s not that you condone the disgraceful behaviours that need forgiveness – you are simply focusing on love and fulfilment.

You Always Assume Good Things Are Coming

You sit back, remaining relaxed, knowing the universe is already aligning everything that all you want and desire fall into the right place. People in your life are released from pressure, because your faith gives them space to reveal their true selves to you. And you make good decisions based on this newfound understanding.

You Have a Strong Self-Concept

In the past you’ve reflected on your wants and desires and concluded what is your life’s plan and mission. This confidence makes you unshakable, because you know your worth. You make decisions independently, free from unnecessary noise from others, who want to influence you.

You Accept Yourself

Radical acceptance, living authentically and acknowledging all your emotions without judgement are a part of your daily practice. Sure, sometimes you’re tired or a bit on a lazier side, and you fully accept these parts of you as well. This only grounds you more in the knowledge that if you slip, tomorrow is another chance to get back on track again.

You Are Detached

Your attachment to others does not cloud your judgement with emotions. Instead, you give your love where it’s valued, but you are your own rock. Your healthy detachment is something all your relationships benefit from, because only you are mainly responsible for your happiness. Being in your life and around you does not cause people any pressure and it’s pure joy to share moments with you.

Your Motivation Comes From Within

Once upon a time you discovered that every time you hear a motivational speech it fires you up for a day or two, but then everything is back to normal and no true change occurs. Instead, you found the motivation to work and change within you, igniting you like a warm candle. This internal drive mobilises you to make positive changes in your life.

You Know Your Value

You recognise your worth in the world and the value you bring to others. Your time is precious and you don’t waste time on temporary relationships (situationships) that don’t align with your desires. Fear of walking away is something you abandoned a long time ago. Your self-esteem is on point, because you know exactly what you’re capable of and criticism doesn’t shake you much.

You Have Adopted the Growth Mindset

Lifelong learning and the growth mindset is your life’s objective. Each setback teaches you something new, and you eagerly welcome challenges. When you face a problem or lack of ability, you don’t throw in a towel, but you ask confidently: “How can I learn to do that?” Your resilience turns every situation into an opportunity to enhance your strengths.


We went through the signs you’re your own best friend. In the beautiful journey of becoming your own best friend, you’ve embraced the power of self-compassion, positive self-talk, and unwavering self-love. You’ve learned that your own happiness and worth come from within, making you a beacon of positivity and strength for others.

By prioritising your well-being, setting boundaries, and forgiving both yourself and others, you’ve cultivated a deep sense of acceptance and detachment that radiates grace. Your motivation springs from an internal fire, propelling you towards growth and lifelong learning.

Embracing your true value, you’ve let go of temporary connections that don’t align with your desires, fostering unshakable self-esteem. In adopting a growth mindset, every setback becomes an opportunity, and challenges are welcomed as stepping stones toward enhancing your incredible strengths.

You’ve truly become your own best friend, illuminating the path for others to follow.

How do you cultivate your self-friendship? 🙂 What other signs you’re your own best friend do you see?

Share your commitments and ideas in the comments below!

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