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The Best Books for Emotional Control for Women

The best books for emotional control for women how to spend singlehood

We women are emotional beings, and I would argue that it is our superpower. It makes life so fun, and men can’t get enough of this mythical world of ours. But like with all superpowers, if you don’t learn to manage it and you throw it all around uncontrollably, you can do some serious damage to yourself, your surroundings and people in it. I would like to share with you what helped me personally (apart from going to therapy, of course): the best books for emotional control for women. Emotional Education in the Early Years When you were feeling sad as a child, did your parents ever ask you why that is and what emotions you were experiencing? If your answer...

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18 Powerful Signs You’re Your Own Best Friend


What is your best friend like? Supportive? Fun? Always there for you? Understanding? I bet all of these qualities and more. You’d never judge and put her down when she’s feeling low. Now, imagine how incredible it would be to extend the same compassion to yourself! Here are some examples and signs you’re your own best friend. Benefits of Being Your Own Best Friend Working in your own interest reaps tremendous awards. It’s how you nurture self love. But what is self love? To me it’s a verb. It’s a series of actions that enhance well-being, foster inner calm and increase my self-perceived value. It involves creating a sense of being pampered and cared for. It’s me safeguarding my boundaries, and being...

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How Self Love Changes Your Life For the Best


We live in a society that rewards deeply self-centred, outgoing, extraverted, result-driven attributes. Besides, we are reproached for exhibiting a touch more self-care and setting our boundaries as if such conduct is a bad thing. However, I argue that self-love is your personal pathway to a peaceful and happy life, so let’s dive into the topic of how self love changes your life. What is Self Love? It took me years to develop good self love, but now I consider it one of the most important things I’ve ever done for myself. I hope I can show how self love changes your life and inspire you to feel similarly about yourself, too, because I know how it helps and empowers me...

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What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

by Shad Helmstetter A renowned author known for his influential works on personal development and self-help. This self-help classic written by Shad Helmstetter delves into the profound impact of our inner dialogue on our lives. In this book, Helmstetter emphasizes the idea that our self-talk.Tthe conversations we have with ourselves in our minds, plays a pivotal role in shaping our attitudes, behaviors, and overall life outcomes. The book begins by shedding light on the negative and self-destructive nature of many people's inner dialogue. It highlights how these internal dialogues can undermine self-esteem, hinder personal growth, and perpetuate self-doubt. Helmstetter then introduces the concept of "self-talk scripts". Then, he explains how we can rewrite and reprogram our inner dialogue to be more positive, empowering,...

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How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth and its Benefits

How to Start Journaling for Guaranteed Self-growth

Therapy is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. It can help you initiate the resolution of certain issues and provide you with useful tools. However, there’s another excellent tool you can start using today, and it’s free – journaling. And you can take it with you everywhere! Let’s delve into why it’s a fantastic idea and how to start journaling for self-growth today. What is Journaling I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, where I describe events in my life, so that I can revisit them years later and see what was happening and when. However, journaling is more than that; it involves sharing your deep thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations with a piece of paper. Thus, a...

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How to Not Feel Alone Ever Again and be Happy

How to Not Feel Alone Ever Again and be Happy

Feeling alone is dreadful. I’ve been there. Throughout my life, I have felt like I am alone with everything and have to have everything together without showing any weakness. I also felt lonelier in a relationship than when it ended. How did I fix it? Let’s explore how to not feel alone ever again. Finding the Root Cause When I encounter a problem or emotions that feel uncomfortable, instead of trying to eliminate them, I prefer to look deeper. Emotions are merely symptoms of something happening beneath the surface, and it’s the same with loneliness. We first need to identify the root cause and then address it, nipping it in the bud. So, why do we feel lonely? There was a period in...

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How to positive self-talk for a successful life

How to positive self-talk for a happier life, self acceptance, your best friend

The world throws enough judgement and tests your way, so why add more negativity to the mix? Be your own best friend and practise positive self-talk to find more calm, boost your self-confidence and find happiness. It is also a way to solve most of your problems. I know it’s a bold statement, but let’s dig in and see why. What was first? Positive dialogue with yourself creates increased self love and one cannot fully exist without the other one. Did you become happier and more confident as you started talking to yourself positively, or did your mindset change first, followed by increased happiness? According to science it’s the latter. From your mind's perspective, what you don't think about might as well not...

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