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6 Spring Equinox Journaling Prompts to Plan Your New Year


In many cultures worldwide, people think the New Year begins in January. But really, it’s more accurate to say it starts in spring. That’s when nature wakes up, and we feel energised. Let’s look at spring equinox journaling prompts that will help you reflect on the next 6 months of your life.

Pin 5 Equinox/Spring Journaling Prompts to Plan Your New Year

When Nature Awakens

As much as we like to think humans are special and not affected by nature as much, we are part of it. We like to think that we’re machines that sometimes feel emotions but in reality we’re firstly feeling creatures that also think and do things well.

Additionally, we often perceive ourselves primarily as physical beings, fully immersed in earthly experiences, occasionally touching upon the spiritual realm. However, it is more accurate to recognize that we are spiritual beings undergoing a temporary earthly experience. We are the energy source dwelling in a physical body for only a lifetime.

As nature awakens, we often experience a surge in energy, becoming more socially engaged and physically active. Winter, particularly in northern regions where the disparity between daylight and nighttime hours is pronounced, can pose significant challenges for many people. Me included!

Quote 6 Equinox Spring Journaling Prompts to Plan Your New Year

When is the New Year Really?

It is customary for us to celebrate the transitions of years in January. It is just a human-made celebration that doesn’t find confirmation in anything else other than culture; there’s no astronomical event that happens at the same time to mark this moment and no energy shift either.

This is why New Year’s resolutions at the start of January might be a nice cultural addition to become more productive but don’t serve us well. It’s deep in winter when daylight is scarce, and it should be a time of rest and reflection, turning inward and surviving. If you failed at your New Year’s resolutions, don’t be hard on yourself; this is why it happens.

Spring equinox is nature’s New Year, and it’s more aligned with us, humans. If you wish to introduce some changes in your life, some new good habits and projects, energetically, this is the time to start.

How to Journal

Journaling offers numerous benefits for your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. When you journal, you can get to know yourself and gain insights to what’s going on within you. Over time, more things become clear and you can understand your emotions better.

When you allow yourself to explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences in a safe and private space, you create room for self-reflection and self-awareness. This way, you gain a better understanding of your abilities and achievements, based on your past experiences and challenges. Such insights make clear where you excel and which are the areas you may want to improve, ultimately boosting your self-confidence through the continuous process of bettering yourself and your life.

To learn more about how to start journaling, especially if you’re a beginner, read the blog post ‘How To Journal For Best Self-Growth’.

Journaling Prompts – What You’re Here For!

Spring is the perfect time to start new habits and projects. With these spring equinox journaling prompts you can reflect on what you want to implement and embody in six months from now. You don’t have to plan everything in detail.

Plan who you want to become and how to get there and the aligned actions will follow.

Journal with me – start journaling session by following my lead in this YouTube video!

Infographic 6 Equinox Spring Journaling Prompts to Plan Your New Year

What person do I want to be in 6 months?

Write down the superpowers you want to rock, how you aim to feel, and the epic milestones this future you would have conquered. Imagine the fantastic life this version of you would be living and what missions she’d tackle first. Where will she focus her attention? What will she prioritise? What would happen if she poured her energy into what truly matters to her?

What inspired action / aligned action can I take in the next 6 months?

Aligned/inspired action means your every move is connected to a future vision. What can you do every day, using the power of compounding and consistency, that will bring you closer to your vision coming true?

What can I do for myself everyday or every week to make myself feel good in the next 6 months?

Maybe you wanted to adopt a healthier eating pattern or sign up to a gym and you know it’ll make you feel better in the long run? Every day and when you’re feeling sad or you’re stuck and don’t know what to do next, continue to ask yourself: what can I do to make myself feel good? Increase your well-being and new inspirations might follow. When you feel good, ask another question: what can I do now? And just listen to yourself.

What seeds am I planting for my life this spring?

Even small ideas are sprouts that have a chance of blooming into a beautiful flower. What are you doing or want to do right now, little by little, to see growth in the future? The seeds you’re planting at this moment will be the fruit you bear in the near and distant future.

How can you prioritise self-care on a daily or weekly basis to cultivate resilience, inner peace, and vitality?

As part of your singlehood, I encourage you to do things that make you feel good. Treat yourself so well that everyone who enters your life will have to maintain this level. Ask yourself every day or when you’re feeling sad: what’s the one thing I can do now to make myself feel better? It can be as small as a walk, shower or going to the gym.


As we embrace the arrival of spring, we are reminded of nature’s cycle of renewal and growth. While the traditional New Year may begin in January, the spring equinox marks a more aligned starting point for personal transformation and intention setting. Journaling during this time offers a powerful opportunity for self-reflection and envisioning the person we aspire to become in the next six months.

By exploring spring equinox journaling prompts that prompt us to reflect on our future selves, set aligned actions, prioritise self-care, and plant seeds for our desired future, we can cultivate resilience, inner peace, and vitality. This season, let us prioritise self-care and self-discovery, nurturing ourselves with kindness and compassion as we embark on this journey of growth and transformation.

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