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10 Powerful Reminders for Those Going Through a Breakup

10 Powerful Reminders for Those Going Through a Breakup

When we’re going through tough times, it often feels like there’s nothing that will ever bring us comfort. It seems as though all is lost, and we’ll never feel good again. It’s a very difficult situation to be in and I’m sorry you’re going through this! However, I’d like to offer some hope and some perspective with these reminders for those going through a breakup.

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Dumper vs Dumpee

Breakups are one of the most challenging experiences in life. Each makes us wiser and stronger, and with every breakup, we promise ourselves that it’s the last time it’ll happen. Life’s unpredictable that way.

No matter if you’re the one initiating the breakup or the one on the receiving end, the emotions are intense, and sadness can be overwhelming.

Both parties go through strong emotions and doubts, and each deserves compassion and understanding.

If you’re the one who has been dumped, accept the breakup gracefully and take the time you need to process your emotions. Moreover, begging and haggling only makes things worse, so maintain your composure and accept his no with grace.

If you’re the dumper, chances are you’ve been thinking about taking this step for weeks, if not months. There’s likely nothing at the moment that can change your mind. You’re also experiencing strong emotions, and it’s okay to acknowledge your own sadness.

If your relationship has just ended, learn more about how to heal from it in the best possible way.

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The Power of Intuition

Sometimes, we can sense that something is on the horizon. Even weeks, if not months, we can feel a shift in the energy within the relationship. Something is going on.

If you sense that something’s coming, reflect on yourself and ask, ‘Why am I feeling this? Why does the other person’s behaviour trigger this in me?’ Do it without judgement, just curiosity.

Firstly, learn to differentiate whether what you feel comes from anxiety or intuition. It’s a difficult process, but it’s worth investing your effort.

Is it your intuition that you should act upon, or is it anxiety and past traumas? Intuition usually presents itself as a calm hunch that arises from a deep inner knowing.

On the other hand, anxiety may manifest in your body as tension, restlessness, or a racing heart, triggered by specific thoughts.

It takes some practice to differentiate between these two, but it’s truly one of the most valuable tools to have.

10 Powerful Reminders for Those Going Through a Breakup quote Coco Ginger

The Reminders We Need After a Breakup

You might find some solace in this list of reminders for someone dealing with a breakup. I’ve been there, and sometimes it felt like I would never be okay again. Regardless of what friends were saying to me, I wouldn’t listen, clouded by my suffering.

But just a few weeks after, I was able to see positives in the past relationship, recognise my lessons learned, and be genuinely grateful to my ex for all I’ve learned from him.

You Are Love

Look, you gave your love, but you have so much more to give. You are love. It’s not a non-renewable resource for you. It’s abundant in your heart, and you will find someone new to share it with and who will be happy to share it with you also.

You Will Be Alright

Think back to the time when you were not in a relationship with him. You were doing alright, and you will be alright after him as well. You are a powerful, dynamite woman who knows her value and will grow stronger than ever from this. 

They Suffer Too

The dumper might appear like a cold rock on the outside, but they are also going through a myriad of strong emotions and doubts. If they break up with you, accept their no and give them what they want – no more access to you. Don’t stay friends; let them suffer in peace and endure the consequences, so that you can heal without false hopes.

You Will Grow From This

The breakup you’re processing now means that you’ve tried. moreover, you put yourself out there, were vulnerable, and gave your best self. For this, I am super proud of you! This is a test and a valuable lesson for you to grow and become more resilient. You learned a lot about yourself, your needs, and your desires, so for these alone – don’t ever consider it a failure.

Trust The Process

It’s not easy to accept this message when you’re going through adversity, but everything happens for a reason. Some things, even negative ones, lead us to something new and exciting. It’s like the universe comes in with a bulldozer, destroying everything in your life so that new and improved things can be built in its place. Adopt radical acceptance to always have your own back.

Quote sometimes good things fall apart how to get over a breakup

You Brain Is Tricking You

At the moment, you’re separated from a person who meant a lot to you and made you feel happy or comfortable at times, so your brain is starving a little and is craving closeness and wants you to be happy again. It thinks: the last time she was happy it was with him. The solution is simple: get.HIM.BACK! But our brains sometimes can be idiots and don’t always know what’s best for us; they’re a little too emotional, because their only task is our survival. Resist it and move past it. You’ve got this, girl!

This Too Shall Pass

Emotions come and go. They’re like clothes: one day you wear this, the next day you wear that. Remind yourself that this is just a temporary feeling, and life is full of ups and downs; it’s just one of those downs. What comes after is amazing and a possible growth originating from this traumatic event.

You’ve Got Plenty of Options

We need you to adopt the abundance mindset. At the moment, you might be thinking that he was the only one, a perfect match, and you’ll never find a person with these qualities again – this is a scarcity mindset. But you will; they are out there. Good men are abundant and are looking for a good woman like you.

You’re Doing The Best You Can

Cut yourself some slack and understand that we all do the best we can in a given moment with the set of skills and tools available to us at the time. Maybe you would react better a few months ago with the awareness you have right now – but for this, you really need to forgive yourself and move past this. Because life can only be understood backwards but must be lived in the moment. Lastly, simply remember these reminders for someone dealing with a breakup for the future.

It’s Okay To Mourn

It’s alright to grieve for this person and the potential life you could have shared with them. At some point, you were undoubtedly convinced that he was your man, the one for you, and now he’s gone. Perhaps you were attached to his friends and family or his place of residence, and you need to mourn these losses as well. Allow yourself some time to feel and process these emotions.


As we navigate these short reminders for someone dealing with a breakup, it’s essential to remember that healing is a process, not an event. The journey may seem arduous now, but with time and self-reflection, you will emerge stronger and wiser. moreover, embrace the power of intuition, distinguishing it from anxiety, and trust the process of personal growth.

These reminders serve as beacons of hope in the storm of emotions. You are not alone in your experiences, whether you’re the dumper or the one dumped. Additionally, acceptance, compassion, and self-love are the keys to unlocking a brighter future.
Remember, good things may fall apart, but they pave the way for something new and extraordinary. Trust that this too shall pass, and in its wake, you’ll discover the resilience within yourself. Embrace your options, acknowledge your efforts, and permit yourself to mourn. In doing so, you pave the way for a journey of healing and self-discovery. You’ve got this.

What would you add to the list of the reminders for those going through a breakup? 🙂

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