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What Is Radical Acceptance in 5 Simple Steps

What Is Radical Acceptance in 5 Simple Steps

In the world of self criticism and doubt, find peace in the total opposite of it. Become your best friend to always have a supportive cheerleader by your side and if you sometimes make mistakes – like we all do – embrace the power of radical acceptance. Let’s explore what is radical acceptance and why we need it in our lives. Acknowledge and Accept Radical acceptance is a concept from dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) that involves fully and completely acknowledging reality without resistance and judgement, or attempts to change it. It means embracing things as they are, even if they are difficult or painful, in order to reduce suffering and improve emotional well-being. By fully embracing what life throws at us, we remove...

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17 Tips How to Deal With Challenges in Life

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Life will never be simple, with only pleasurable chapters in it. How you respond to problems and life challenges matters a lot. If you approach hardships with the growth mindset, you will see challenges as opportunities to grow further and learn something new. You will build your resilience and grow stronger than ever from every setback. In this post, we explore how to deal with challenges using these tips. Thoughts vs Emotions Our thoughts and feelings are stories we tell ourselves. These stories create a narrative in our minds that we judge as good or bad. And then, emotions appear. Have you ever worried about an event or occurrence that never happened in the end, but you spent days being anxious about these...

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Why Self Love is Important in a Relationship

Why Self Love is Important in a Relationship

We often look for a partner to finally make us happy. It doesn’t just seem like a bad idea – it truly is one. Putting so much pressure on the other person is so ingrained in society that we don’t question it anymore. However, as a person who once subscribed to this belief and saw it at work, I can affirm that it’s just a waste of our precious time. Let’s explore why self love is important in a relationship. ...

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16 Best Ways How to Deal With Negativity in Life

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Challenges will always arise in life; there is no way around this fact. When I talk to my friends they often mention their problems, and the symphony of complaining usually ends with resigned “well, there’s always something”. Indeed, life constantly throws obstacles our way, keeping us on our toes. Let’s explore some ideas on how to deal with negativity in life and handle negative people. ...

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How to Stop Being Codependent in Any Relationship

how to stop being codependent in any relationship how to spend singlehood

We, as humans, are wired to connect with each other. Our survival used to depend on it, and our biological programming has not expired yet. Sometimes, relationships fall apart due to excessive codependency, putting too much pressure on the other person. It’s unhealthy. Let’s explore how to stop being codependent and learn ways to avoid codependency to improve our relationships and overall happiness. ...

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The Best Books for Emotional Control for Women

The best books for emotional control for women how to spend singlehood

We women are emotional beings, and I would argue that it is our superpower. It makes life so fun, and men can’t get enough of this mythical world of ours. But like with all superpowers, if you don’t learn to manage it and you throw it all around uncontrollably, you can do some serious damage to yourself, your surroundings and people in it. I would like to share with you what helped me personally (apart from going to therapy, of course): the best books for emotional control for women. Emotional Education in the Early Years When you were feeling sad as a child, did your parents ever ask you why that is and what emotions you were experiencing? If your answer...

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Benefits of Post Traumatic Growth – How to Best Unleash Them


Challenges will always happen to you. This is what life is – ups and downs, grieve and joy, good times and bad times. But in all life’s suffering, we can then appreciate what we have better and we become resilient. In this blog post I will show you why hardships are a powerful catalyst for positive things in your life through the benefits of post-traumatic growth. Personal Growth Stasis Personal growth stasis means when someone stops growing or changing. This happens when a person becomes too comfortable and doesn't want to try new things. It's like being stuck and not moving forward. People might feel bored and not happy because they're not learning or doing new stuff. When someone is in a personal...

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Meaning of Acting Out of Love VS Out of Fear

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“Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends”. It’s a quote by Shirley MacLaine and I find it very true. If you ever found yourself acting in a way that even you cannot recognise while in a relationship, it’s most likely because you were acting from the position of fear. Acting out of love has meaning, so let's find out about it and its counterpart – acting out of fear and how to act from the position of love instead. Acting Out of Love – Meaning You have probably heard of people doing things for love and out of love, but this isn’t quite what we’re talking about here. When we take action based on feelings of consideration, trust, compassion,...

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How Self Love Changes Your Life For the Best


We live in a society that rewards deeply self-centred, outgoing, extraverted, result-driven attributes. Besides, we are reproached for exhibiting a touch more self-care and setting our boundaries as if such conduct is a bad thing. However, I argue that self-love is your personal pathway to a peaceful and happy life, so let’s dive into the topic of how self love changes your life. What is Self Love? It took me years to develop good self love, but now I consider it one of the most important things I’ve ever done for myself. I hope I can show how self love changes your life and inspire you to feel similarly about yourself, too, because I know how it helps and empowers me...

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