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How to Best Start Your Day in Autumn

How to Best Start Your Day in Autumn

Autumn is a period of transition, when the days get shorter, our energy decreases and we spend more time indoors. However, we still have to perform at work and take care of ourselves, even as everything around us undergoes change. While everything is changing around in this period, let’s take a look at how we can best care for ourselves and preserve energy for things that really matter to us with these tips on how to best start your day.

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100% all year long?

I’ve always been baffled by our expectations as humans to be at our 100% throughout the year, while nature undergoes its seasonal cycles. Trees leaf out, flowers bloom, and animals become more active and raise their offspring from spring to autumn, peaking in the summer. Yet, we humans are supposed to operate at full capacity year-round, even during autumn and winter?

These colder seasons, for me, are the time to slow down and rest. It’s essential not to judge ourselves if we don’t feel as energetic for sports or productivity. Many of us can’t take extended breaks; we still have to work and earn a living. Especially in regions like Europe, some of us don’t get much daylight: it lasts only 4-6 hours a day, often with minimal sun, accompanied by cold, windy and rainy weather.

Furthermore, us women, we operate on a monthly schedule due to our menstrual cycles, a consideration that is often overlooked in our work lives, so we have to implement it ourselves.

Cycle syncing

Cycle syncing, also known as menstrual cycle syncing or cycle-based living, is a holistic approach to health and wellness that aligns daily activities, diet, exercise, and self-care practices with the different phases of your menstrual cycle. Because our hormones fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, it influences our mood, energy levels, and physical well-being.

The menstrual cycle is typically divided into four phases (and their lengths are very individual, but let’s take a common example of 28-day cycle):

Menstruation (Days 1-5): This is the bleeding phase, where oestrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest. It’s often associated with lower energy levels, so if that’s the case for you, you might want to do self-care, rest, and exercise, but gently.

Follicular Phase (Days 6-14): Oestrogen starts to rise, leading to an increase in energy and creativity. This phase is often seen as a time for productivity, trying new things, and engaging in moderate to intense workouts.

Ovulation (Day 14): Oestrogen levels peak, leading to high energy levels, improved mood, and increased social interaction. It’s a great time for social activities, networking, and more strenuous workouts.

Luteal Phase (Days 15-28): Progesterone rises, and energy levels may start to dip. Self-care, stress management, and more gentle exercise are often emphasised during this phase.

It’s essential to note that cycle syncing is a personalised approach, and what works for one person may not work for another. Tracking your menstrual cycle and paying attention to how you feel during different phases can help you identify patterns and make informed choices about how to sync your activities with your hormonal fluctuations for better overall health, well-being, and productivity.

How to start your day right

It’s very challenging to find energy every day for everything we have to do. This is why we need to take extra care of ourselves in these cold, challenging times. Choose whatever seems the most appealing for you and will fit in your life. Remember, it’s super important to prioritise yourself daily! Because if you are happy, people around you will be happier, too.

Your Morning Starts the Night Before

To rise early and claim your mornings, there’s no way of escaping it – you must get to bed earlier. Humans are the only animals that delay sleep. Have you ever seen a dog or a cat prolong the awake time unnecessarily? Instead of spending time on social media or watching TV-shows, read for 15-20 minutes and ensure you get a full 8 hours of sleep. I mean it!!

Early Rising for Tranquillity

Set your day right by leaving the bed 20 minutes earlier and dedicate 15-20 minutes to yourself. Make yourself a nice tea and then meditate for 5 minutes, journal 5 minutes and write down two things you are grateful for or what you would like your prefect day to look like. You can write down 5 affirmations starting with “May I be…” or do the meditation with affirmations. Do your skincare routine as a nice self-care activity and if there is any time left, just enjoy the quiet morning, the sunrise, savouring the peacefulness and cherishing your wonderful life.

Positive Thoughts Before You Sleep

To wake up with a smile, program your subconscious mind with positivity before sleep. Your brain remains active while you sleep, processing your pre-sleep thoughts. Think about good things that happened that day, what you are grateful for and what made you proud. Savour the comfort of your bed and how good it feels. Think about safety you feel in the warmth of your bed, ready for nourishing night of sleep. This is what I do and I always fall asleep with a smile on my face (because I really, really like to sleep).

Prepare for The Morning

Ease your morning by preparing the most crucial things in the evening: lunch, breakfast, and your outfit for the next day. This not only frees up some time in the morning for other things, but also conserves your decision-making energy. We have something called the decision-making reservoir (your willpower and self-control). Our ability to make effective decisions, exercise self-control, and maintain focused attention is not limitless but finite, and it can be depleted throughout the day by every decision you make. So starting the day with a full reservoir is wise.

First Thoughts Matter

Your initial morning thoughts set the tone for the day. To wake up with a smile, firstly, ensure you sleep enough! We already talked about this. Try to program your mind to avoid negative thoughts about how much you want to sleep and how tired you are right after you wake up. Instead, focus on something positive or what you are grateful for – maybe it’s a partner lying next to you. Have a positive attitude by having something to look forward to, delicious breakfast or favourite tea brew.

Start Your Day With Liquids

Kick-start your day with a glass of warm water or herbal tea. In colder seasons, I always keep a thermal bottle with some warm herbal infusion by my bedside. I drink it right after I leave the bed. Not only does it warm me up, but it also hydrates me. Our cardiovascular system faces challenges in the morning due to dehydration (as we lose water through processes like respiration and perspiration), leading to less smooth blood flow. Therefore, drinking a glass of something warm can aid in maintaining healthy blood circulation.

Habit Stacking

Incorporate new habits by linking them to existing ones. For instance, everyday in the morning you wake up and go to the toilet – use it as an anchor habit. You could chain the activities by first drinking your water, making your bed, on your way to the toilet start the kettle with hot water, then after the toilet wash your hands and face and immediately after that do your skincare. This way you just did so much by sequencing the habits one by one. Over time, this sequence becomes automatic, conserving your decision-making energy.

Take a short walk

Connect with nature before the world awakens with a brief neighbourhood walk. Absorb the peace and tune into your surroundings, mindful of sensations like the cool air on your face, how it feels to breathe it in, and the soothing rhythm of each step.


In the midst of autumn’s transition, we often expect ourselves to maintain peak performance year-round. But is that a realistic expectation? As we explore how to best start our day in this transformative season, we discover the wisdom of syncing with nature’s cycles and prioritising self-care.

Autumn invites us to slow down and embrace rest. We need to acknowledge that our energy may ebb and flow with the changing environment. We can extend compassion to ourselves, understanding that, unlike other creatures, we must continue our work routines even as daylight dwindles and the weather turns cold, windy, and rainy.

Cycle syncing, a holistic approach to wellness, empowers you to tailor your routine to each phase of your menstrual cycle. You can align your activities with your inner seasons. In this season of change, as nature adjusts, so can we. By syncing with our inner rhythms, practising self-care, and crafting a morning routine aligned with our goals and well-being, we can navigate autumn’s challenges with grace, serenity, and renewed energy. Embrace the beauty of the season and the promise of each new day.

What are your ways to start your day right?

Share your commitments and ideas in the comments below!

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