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How to Give Yourself Princess Treatment

How to Give Yourself the Princess Treatment

You can give yourself princess treatment on a budget because it’s not really about money – it’s about your mindset and how you treat yourself. And what better way to make yourself feel good than the comforting thought that you always have your own back? Let’s delve into tips on how to give yourself the princess treatment.

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Why Do You Need Princess Treatment from Yourself in Your Life

If you have visited this blog before, you know that I am all about taking personal responsibility first. Before we start to despair about how things are in our lives and what we have in terms of material goods and relationships, I encourage everyone to take stock on how we really view ourselves and our worthiness. Really reflect on your role in your dating life successes and failures.

We teach others how to love and treat us by how we treat and love ourselves. We create our own reality by assuming what we will get. So, if my state in the past was that my relationship is too good to be true and I’m not that worthy of love, then eventually I will see my relationship crumble like a house of cards. They say that energy doesn’t lie, and it’s true. People pick up on our moods, even if we aren’t aware of what’s going on within us.

It’s all because of this one simple truth:

we attract what we are, as within, so without How to Give Yourself the Princess Treatment

It means that whatever we believe ourselves to be, what we are internally (even if not consciously), we will project this self-perceived value to the world and attract the exact vibrational/energetic matches from the environment. Whether it’s the financial situation, romantic relationships, jobs or other types of relationships, it’s all about what we believe ourselves to deserve.

This is why princess treatment from yourself first is key because the outside world is essentially a mirror. And the mirror doesn’t change before you do. You have to make the first move and change how you see and treat yourself to attract the same kind of treatment from the world.

You Are Always the Prize

I know that we live in times when more and more men behave like they are the princesses and that they are the ones that should be fought over and spoiled. This is unusual, and I personally do not participate in this side of things. I choose to focus on the testimonials of what I want to see in the world and believe that this is my experience.

You have to first see your value as high for others to understand the same about you. Be obsessed with yourself (in a good way, with integrity) if you want to see others obsess over you as well.

There’s no one that can do it for you, and no amount of external validation will do the work for you. It’s all an inside job. When you choose yourself, you attract and allow into your life others who also choose you. You are a high value woman and that’s how others see you, too.

To become someone else’s prize, you have to become your own prize. Your own dream girl and best friend. Someone who is loved unconditionally. Someone who’s always chosen, cherished, and prioritised. You must be safe and secure with yourself before you receive the same from others.

What Princess Treatment Isn’t

Princess treatment isn’t for you to start feeling entitled to free life from others. People who behave like divas and generally give an unfriendly impression might still get what they want and have a good life, but this is where integrity comes in. We should always act with integrity, considering if our desires aren’t creating unnecessary suffering.

There’s a fine line between being a princess and choosing yourself in an authentic way, and being a mean, entitled brat. Of course, while you do the former, you might be seen by others as the latter. We don’t occupy ourselves by the opinion of others (what you  criticise in me you really criticise in yourself) but it’s important to stay open to feedback and reflect on your emotions, behaviour, and triggers because we’re all works in progress. But, please, remain authentic to what is good for you.

It isn’t about moving from a state of being a people-pleaser to being completely cold. It takes time to develop this awareness and understand what feels good to you personally, what is important for you, and what you can tolerate in other people. Then, perhaps even saying goodbye to the toxic ones or those who don’t fit into your new life and new reality.

It’s about having high standards and maintaining them. It’s about letting people show who they are instead of trying to change them, because not everyone will fit into your life, and that’s okay. A big part of princess treatment is knowing your boundaries and recognising when you’re not getting the treatment you deserve.

It’s about safeguarding yourself from unnecessary emotional distress, knowing that you know what you want and that you can pass on everything that doesn’t fit into this description.

How to Work on Your Self-concept for Love trying self-love

Tips on How to Give Yourself Princess Treatment

I hope this message starts to sink in that there’s no-one to change but yourself, and all the power is in your hands. You need to shift your awareness of what you want and what you deserve (you deserve everything you desire!) and go for it, allowing only events and people into your life who fit your dream version.

Your goal is to increase your net happiness with this princess treatment, and here is how you can go about it:

Know What You Want and Build Your Self-concept

You cannot imagine what the princess treatment you want is until you’ve reflected enough to know what you want in life. You need a strong self-concept and then building the life around it and with help of it. Sit with yourself and get to know who you are and what your desires are. Then, filter out all the noise and people who make it more difficult for you to get there. Read more about building your self-concept. And start making decisions based on the person you want to be.

Ask Yourself Daily – What Can I Do to Make Myself Feel Better?

When you feel sad, stuck, or just apathetic, your main goal should be to bring back your high vibrations. You can do this by consistently asking yourself: what can I do to make myself feel better right now? And then do it. It can be something small like a walk, a nap, a takeaway coffee, or spraying perfume before leaving the house. The point is to make it a habit to ask yourself this every day, and who knows, maybe some nice inspired actions will follow.

Prioritise and Focus on Yourself

Love yourself unconditionally and accept yourself radically. Energy flows where attention goes. Take others off the pedestal and place yourself there. Your attention and energy are the most valuable assets you have at your disposal. You can always give love and never run out of it, but you can run out of energy and time. This is why you have to protect your time and spend it on what matters to you to grow this part of your life. Say “no” to anyone without explaining yourself. And read more about how to spend time alone.

say no to anyone. How to give yourself princess treatment

You Are Worthy – Know Your Value

Your value is inherent. If you still have some doubts about whether you deserve princess treatment, positive affirmations for sleep and to listen to in the background are the way to go. You need to overwrite the programming you brought with you from childhood and humbling life events with positive self-talk. Find them (free) on my YouTube channel or order a tailored version here.

Clear Boundaries with Yourself and Others

Self-discipline is the highest form of self-love because it’s you postponing instant gratification for a future, compounded, better life than you could ever imagine. Start by setting boundaries with yourself (“I don’t eat after 7 pm,” “I read for 15 minutes before sleep,” “I work out twice a week in the mornings”) and with others. If you want others to respect your boundaries, you have to start by maintaining them yourself and acting on them if they’re being crossed.

Solo Dates

Treat yourself to a solo date! It can be an extravagant dinner and cinema solo date, a shopping spree, or a simple city break to a nearby city. You can spend more on things that matter to you the most while shifting the focus away from other spending that is not your priority. The message is simple – “Anything for you, princess!” and the things that are out of reach for now, are treated as lower in priority instead of dwelling in the poverty mindset. You’re not broke; you have different priorities right now. Date yourself to increase your self-love and that’s how to give yourself princess treatment.

Prepare Things for the Future You

You can literally feel spoiled by the past you. Treat yourself on a budget by taking care of your future self. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal for the journey (always makes me feel so loved when I do this for myself!), prepared fresh linens on your bed waiting for your return, or some loving messages left around the house – you can treat yourself like you would a loved one because you are literally the love of your life. Regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship! And always make sure that your self-love tank is full.

Create Your Own Peace and Emotional Safety

A princess is peaceful and relaxed, well taken care of by the universe. So create a safe space for yourself to rest but also to withdraw into yourself through meditation and mindfulness. Nobody will provide you with your emotional well-being if you aren’t aware of how peace feels. Then, find someone who can maintain this peace for you. Take your time getting ready if you like doing makeup. Do whatever you need to set the tone for the day as you want it to be.

Notice the Good in Men

What are your assumptions of modern men and the dating market? If you expect that all men are selfish and princesses themselves, this is what you will see in the world, that’s what your mind will pick up (confirmation bias). So seed your subconscious with the notion that there are many good men out there and they’re looking for you as we speak. Start noticing the examples of good men on social media and in daily life, and this is what you will notice in your world as well, and let your subconscious mind do the rest.


In this post we explore how to give yourself princess treatment. Giving yourself the princess treatment is about recognising your inherent value and treating yourself with the love and respect you deserve. This mindset is crucial when navigating the dating world to find a husband. By focusing on self-awareness, setting clear boundaries, and consistently choosing actions that make you feel good, you cultivate a life that reflects your highest standards and desires, which naturally attracts a partner who values and respects you.

Remember, the way you treat yourself sets the tone for how potential partners will treat you. Embrace your worthiness, maintain high standards, and take deliberate steps to create a fulfilling and joyful life. When you choose to be your own priority, you invite the same kind of positive energy and respect from those you date, paving the way for a healthy and loving relationship. And ask yourself everyday what you can do to give yourself princess treatment. for the rest of your life. Regardless of your relationship status.

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