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Important Lessons Learned From Past Relationships – Part 2

Important Lessons Learned From Past Relationships – Part 2

Each person we meet, every connection we form, leaves an indelible mark, teaching us lessons about love, life, resilience, and the wants of the human heart. Our past relationships, whether sweet or bitter, long-lasting or fleeting, are invaluable chapters in the story of who we are becoming. Let me share the rest of my personal lessons learned from past relationships. Check out Part 1 of the lessons to read my lessons learned from past relationships 1-5. ...

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Important Lessons I Learned From my Past Relationships – Part 1

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Each person we meet, every connection we form, leaves an indelible mark, teaching us lessons about love, life, resilience, and the wants of the human heart. Our past relationships, whether sweet or bitter, long-lasting or fleeting, are invaluable chapters in the story of who we are becoming. Let me share my personal lessons I learned from my past relationships. Stay tuned for the next week’s 5 more lessons in part 2. The Single Lady Reminders List Right after my last break up, I wrote two lists: a list of non-negotiables in my future partner (including what I don’t want from the lessons I just learned) and a list of reminders for myself for when I’m in a relationship again. To not let myself get...

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The master of selective perception

Personal development plan gets you to the new beginnings

Sometimes our brain is a little mischievous, working both for us and against us. It's like having a frenemy in your head, always pulling pranks on you when you least expect it. All the automatic processes that happen against our will to support our existence happen without conscious mind even noticing it most of the time, like digestion or pumping blood or stress responses that are supposed to get your butt moving to escape that danger. It's like having a team of little brain workers tirelessly managing our survival. They're like the Avengers of our body, but with fewer capes and more neural connections. But can you imagine if we had to control everything ourselves, consciously? Picture this: you're in a meeting...

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