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Feminine Energy Affirmations to Awaken Your Inner Goddess


Sometimes we become absorbed in the demands of reality and the busy life and we lose sight of fundamental aspects of ourselves. If you find yourself battling stress, juggling numerous thoughts, and constantly feeling tired, you might be relying too heavily on logical thinking and functioning in survival mode. However, the solution is to shift focus from the mind to the body. You can achieve this by connecting with your feminine energy with these affirmations to awaken your inner goddess.

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Why You Need This

Why do I need to awaken my inner goddess? Well, because she’s there, waiting to be unleashed, acknowledged, and loved. She’s a part of you that can bring more peace and sweetness into your life. All you have to do is let her in and surrender to the moment.

The world demands a lot from you. For the first time in history, women are incredibly independent and can support themselves without a father or husband. It’s liberating to feel so free, but it also comes with a price because now we face an era of women embodying masculine energy and being more tired and less relaxed.

We all possess a blend of masculine and feminine energies. Consequently, this yin and yang energy is balanced within us and throughout the universe. Moreover, these energies aren’t gender-specific, so everyone has a unique combination of both. Most importantly, they complement each other and are both essential.

The only problem arises when we reside in the wrong type of energy for too long, leading us to become too rigid, stressed, and potentially affecting our relationships. In relationships, polarity is crucial. If you’re a woman who often taps into her divine masculine energy, you might attract more feminine-energy men, as you can’t have two drivers in a vehicle. So, embody the opposite of what you seek to attract, as long as it feels genuine and aligned with you. Above all, authenticity is key!

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Signs You Are in Your Masculine Energy

When we’re in a masculine energy as women for too long, our body keeps score. Being in constant alert and survival mode can influence your hormonal balance because everything in your body works together. Moreover, hormones act as transmitters, where changes in one level can switch others on or off. Adrenaline and cortisol, stress hormones, can disrupt hormones throughout the body. Mind can influence the body in a very powerful way and this is why feminine energy affirmations work, because they change our thoughts.

It’s essential for us to regulate this and lead a balanced life that includes enough work, addressing fears, and relaxation, so we don’t remain in a constant state of dis-ease. Disease.

Here are signs that you might be in your masculine energy too much during the day and could benefit from this meditation:

  • You’re tired all the time.
  • You’re placing a strong emphasis on accomplishments, goals, and external success rather than inner fulfilment and personal growth.
  • Your default response is to take action instead of waiting or surrendering to circumstances.
  • You’re constantly making decisions and strategizing about what to do next.
  • You rarely enjoy the present moment mindfully.
  • You’re emotionally reserved or detached, preferring logic and reason over emotional expression and vulnerability.
  • You have a male partner who exhibits feminine qualities.
  • You feel a strong need to control situations, outcomes, or other people’s behaviour,
  • You’re overly in your head and disconnected from your body.
  • You manage household responsibilities equally or on your own.
  • You experience emotions but aren’t fully aware of their reasons.
  • You avoid accepting help from others and prefer to be highly independent.
  • You lack time for creative hobbies, engaging mainly in “useful” activities.
  • You feel everything is a competition and are often compared at work and in everyday life.
  • Your patience is wearing thin.
  • You’re easily triggered, feeling on the brink of breakdown.
  • You can fulfil all your needs independently.
  • You struggle to accept compliments, support, or gifts graciously.

Listen to Positive Affirmations Daily

Why do positive affirmations work? It’s because we’ve been hearing affirmations about ourselves since early childhood – what we can and cannot do, and how we are – and we believed them. You know the saying, ‘a lie repeated enough times becomes the truth’? If this works for negative beliefs we carry into adulthood, the same principle applies to positive feminine energy affirmations about ourselves.

All we need to do is repeat them enough times for our subconscious mind to start accepting them as facts and defaults. That is to say that repetition is a language the subconscious understands very well. Repeat positive affirmations about yourself first thing in the morning or right before you sleep to give your mind something positive to process as you drift into sleep.

Listen or Repeat These Affirmations Daily:

  1. I am deeply loved.
  2. I am beautiful inside and out.
  3. I am a woman, and I define what womanhood means for me.
  4. I am strong and resilient.
  5. I am wise and I learn something new every day.
  6. I love myself unconditionally; there’s a flame of love within me that fills me every day.
  7. I love my body and appreciate how it takes me places, like the nicest vehicles I could ever imagine.
  8. I am grateful for my life.
  9. I don’t compare myself to others; I am unique.
  10. I am love, and I spread it to everyone around me.
  11. I am grateful for all that life brings me.
  12. I am great at receiving and do it with gratitude and appreciation.
  13. I deserve to be pampered and provided for.
  14. I am cherished, loved and adored.
  15. I am worthy of rest, even if it means I have to sleep 9 hours a day sometimes
  16. I am not lazy, women require more rest and recovery from daily multitasking
  17. I rejoice when I see other women winning
  18. When we start winning individually, we’re all winning because we’re all one
  19. I love to be around other women, especially feminine energy ones
  20. I love to move my body in a sensual and flowy way
  21. I am seeking peace in my everyday life where I can relax and feel with my senses.
  22. I listen to my body and I have great connection with my body
  23. I listen to my intuition and strengthen it the more I trust it.
  24. I take time for myself to relax
  25. What a pleasure it is to experience life with all the senses
  26. I love myself and I am my greatest supporter
  27. I am my own best friend
  28. I am worthy of respect and it starts with me
  29. I value myself and I only allow valuable people into my life who treat me well
  30. I am worthy of love and princess treatment
  31. I give myself princess treatment
  32. I am the change I want to see in others
  33. I am sensual in my own way
  34. I am valuable
  35. I am beautiful and I love my body
  36. My body is perfect and I love what it does for me
  37. I observe emotions in my body and I release them afterwards
  38. I don’t have to tap into my divine feminine because it already lives within me
  39. I am on good terms with my body
  40. I am grateful for its functions and allowing me to experience this life.
  41. Whenever I have a bad day, I ask myself: what can I do to make myself feel better? And then I do it.
  42. I am good to myself and I prioritise myself.
  43. I don’t judge my emotions.
  44. I control my thoughts and I can choose how I feel.
  45. I am in control of my thoughts.
  46. I seed my brain with positive things about myself, my life and people around me.
  47. I am my own dream girl
  48. I approve of myself
  49. I am the love of my life
  50. I am that I am


Embracing our feminine energy is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In short, it’s about recognizing the balance of yin and yang within us, shaping our experiences and relationships. By reconnecting with our feminine essence, we find greater peace, joy, and authenticity in navigating modern life.

Through positive feminine energy affirmations, we cultivate self-love, acceptance, and resilience. Each affirmation plants a seed in our minds, blossoming into a reality where we honour ourselves unconditionally and radiate love outward.

In conclusion, let’s embrace this journey with openness and compassion, celebrating our unique energies. By awakening our inner goddess, we transform ourselves and contribute to a world where feminine wisdom and grace thrive. You are cherished, worthy, and capable—let these feminine energy affirmations guide you towards a deeper connection with yourself and the limitless possibilities of self-discovery.

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