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Why Am I So Emotional? How to Deal with Emotions

Why am i so emotional

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I so emotional?” Whether it’s something you’ve perceived in yourself or a label others have placed on you, feeling overly emotional can be overwhelming. If you often feel like your emotions rule your life, you’re not alone, and this post is for you.

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“Women Are Emotional” – Heard That Before?

Have you ever been told you’re too emotional? Or maybe you’ve caught yourself thinking the same? It’s a common stereotype, especially for women, that we’re too emotional or unable to control our emotions. Let me be clear: this is utter nonsense, and it’s time to put that notion to rest.

Instead of turning this accusation around on men and fueling a battle of the sexes, I’ll say this: we are all bundles of emotions, and it’s never been a bad thing to feel. Whether you’re a man or a woman, whether you’re aware of it or not, you are an emotional being. Emotions have simply gained an undeserved bad reputation. It’s as if we see ourselves as thinking machines that occasionally feel, when in reality, we are feeling beings with extraordinary thinking capabilities.

Nobody Teaches Us How to Handle Emotions

So, why am I so emotional? Many of us don’t know how to manage our emotions because no one teaches us how to. As children, we might have been sent to our rooms when we expressed negative emotions, almost as if we were being punished. This sent a message to our young minds that emotions are unpleasant and inconvenient, and we believed it.

Often, our parents or caregivers, who might have struggled with managing their own emotions, couldn’t help us navigate ours. We can’t perceive or understand beyond our own perspective. If we don’t recognise emotions in ourselves, it’s difficult to understand them in others. It’s just how it is.

So, no, you are not too emotional. You’re simply disconnected from what you feel, unsure how to handle it, and haven’t practised accepting your emotions. But I’ll show you how you can change that.

Why Am I So Emotional? How to Deal with Emotions What you resist persists

It Happens for You, Not to You

Emotions are here to help you and provide insights into what’s happening within you—who you are, what you want, and what still triggers you. All of this is valuable information that your emotions can provide. So, if you’re asking yourself, “Why am I so emotional?” it’s time to see your emotions as loving messages from your brain, not as enemies. You can learn to use them to your advantage.

We often don’t realise that the intensity of our feelings stems from experiencing multiple emotions at the same time. These emotions can be complex and confusing when they all demand our attention at once. However, once you start observing yourself, everything changes.

Can you name the emotions you’re feeling? Can you identify where you feel them in your body? Try to sit still for a while, dissect your emotions, and just observe without judgement. Remember that each emotion comes from a part of you that needs to be noticed and shown a little love. By resisting or ignoring it, you only ensure that this part will return until you finally deal with it. But when you embrace, accept, and let it go, you heal these broken parts of yourself little by little.

Next, turn to the second column and write down the flip side or what limitations these beliefs can impose on you. Each strength has a weakness. For example, if you wrote that you are independent, the other side of this coin might be that it’s difficult for you to leave your comfort zone and meet new people. Or if you wrote that you’re a giver, perhaps it’s challenging for you to receive from others, leading to feelings of being taken for granted.

How to Deal with Your Emotions

It’s okay if these emotions return. If we keep surrendering to our emotions every time they surface, they will eventually run out. Dealing with them as they arise might take 10-20 minutes each time, but suppressing them can keep you trapped for years. Sometimes, it’s simply a habit that needs breaking, so keep at it until you’re no longer bound by it. And when you feel anxiety or doubt creeping in, it’s often because you’ve lost focus on what you truly want, allowing fear to take over. Doubt arises when we forget our end goals and enter a state of double-mindedness. It’s a lack of focus, plain and simple. Keep persisting in your desires.

By following the steps below, you can start to manage your emotions better and no longer feel overwhelmed by them. Remember, being emotional is not a bad thing—it’s a sign of your humanity. Embrace it, learn from it, and let it guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

If you’re wondering, Why am I so emotional? here’s what you can do to manage overwhelming emotions:

  1. Start with Awareness: Check in with yourself throughout the day to observe and become aware of what you’re feeling.
  2. Let the Emotion Arise: Sit with your emotions for a while. Fully experience them. Name the emotion, locate it in your body, and let it run its course without trying to change the experience. Don’t judge—fully accept it.
  3. Remember What You Resist, Persists: It’s the resistance that prolongs the feeling. Allow yourself to feel it fully.
  4. Let Go: Recognise that it’s just a feeling and it only has power if you assign meaning to it. Focus on the emotion itself, not the thoughts surrounding it. Release any guilt you may feel about experiencing the emotion. It’s okay—they’re there for a reason. Bring a sense of love towards yourself, including the part of you that worries or feels strong emotions.
  5. Refocus on Your Aim: Reconnect with your desires and end goals. Imagine how you would feel if you had already achieved what you want. Reconnect with that feeling and awareness.
Why Am I So Emotional? How to Deal with Emotions quote carl jung


In conclusion, embracing your emotions is not a sign of weakness but a path to greater self-awareness and personal growth. By asking yourself, “Why am I so emotional?” and taking the time to truly understand and accept your feelings, you can transform them into powerful tools for navigating life. Remember, your emotions are not the enemy; they are essential parts of who you are, offering valuable insights into your deepest desires and fears.

Start by observing and accepting your emotions without judgement, then gradually learn to release them and refocus on your goals. With practice, you’ll find that your emotions no longer overwhelm you but instead guide you toward a more fulfilling and authentic life. Embrace your emotional nature, and let it lead you to a place of greater self-love and understanding.

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